
Hast Mudras benefits & techniques meaning all Mudras (Gestures)

What is Mudra (Gesture)?

Channelize & expresses cosmic energy within the mind and body. 
Gesture is Mudra.

Panchtatva means five elements.

  1. Earth
  2. Water
  3. Fire
  4. Air
  5. Space
When balance got disturbed in these Panch Tatvas, physically and psychologically we started getting various problems, ailments.

Mainly through the tip of nose, lips, fingertips and toes body energy flows or radiates.
Energy is directed back to vitalize various parts of a body when the thumb gets in contact with other fingers.
Circuit bypass is what this is called.

In Hindu mythology all the Gods and Goddesses are seen in different Mudras.

What is Yogic Mudra?

When a gesture or Mudra are part of Yogic posture is Yogic Mudra.

What is Hast Mudra?

Using hand Gestures or Mudras are performed are Hasta Mudras.

What is Raj Mudra?

The Royal seal is used by kings to authenticate documents.

What is Mudra?

In Sanskrit Mudras meaning coins, Mudra is made out of precious,semi precious metals.

Here we are going to share with you knowledge about Hast Mudra.

5 Tatva or Elements are marked by 5 fingers.

  • Thumb: Fire
  • Index Finger: Air
  • Middle Finger: Space
  • Ring Finger: Earth
  • Small Finger: Water
Our inner feeling expressions are Mudras.

Very important element is Fire.
Fire element becomes weak when different ailments start coming to the body.

Fire element (thumb) when joins with other elements (other fingers) energize, enliven, vitalizes other elements also.

In next blog we will discuss what are the things important about Madras.

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