
Hast Mudras (Gestures) benefits & techniques 02

Mudras: very important things to know

Respective tattvas started getting balanced inside the body when tip of the thumb joins the tip of the other fingers.
Respective tattvas get increased in body when the tip of the thumb joins the base of the other fingers.
Respective tattvas reduces when the tip of the fingers brought to the base of the thumb.
  1. Anyone can do Hasta mudras.
  2. For good results the hands should face upwards while doing the mudras.
  3. Mudras when done by both hands are more beneficial.
  4. Effect happens when mudra done by right hand it effects left side of the body and vice versa.
  5. Just the tip of the fingers are used when doing mudra. Pressure is not needed. Try and keep other fingers straight.
  6. No side effects of mudra.
  7. Even while someone is on medication this can be done.
  8. It is observed anger reduces, increases the peace of mind & helps come out of the addictions. These are the added benefits besides physical health.
  9. 4 mudras to do Daily to improve health significantly. The mudras are as follows….

Prana mudra. (Increases vitality & activates muladhara chakra)

Apana mudra (helps remove toxins from body)

Gyan mudra (for meditation, promote physical & emotional health)

Prithvi mudra (increases earth element within body)

Everyday 5 to 15 minutes are sufficient.

In the next blog we will discuss

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