
Hast Mudras (Gestures) Gyan Mudra & Vayu Mudra-Time, Benefits & Functional Factors 04

Gyan Mudra & Vayu Mudra


As in the name indicates its a mudra of knowledge it's going to enhance the knowledge.

Time: whenever you have time you can practice this mudra by sitting, standing or lying on bed. No specific time duration for this.

Method: Touch Thumb and index finger tips with each other. Keep the rest of 3 fingers stretched out.

Benefits:Thumb tip is the centre of two glands pituitary and endocrine. By pressing the centre of the thumb by index finger tip these two glands start working actively. 


As the name itself indicates its  a mudra regulating Air (Gas).

Time: Practice at least for two months to get results. At least 45 minutes of practice reduces the disease severity in 12 to 24 hours.

Method: Touch index finger at the base of thumb, apply gentle press using the thumb on index finger while keeping the other 3 fingers straight.

Benefits: It will help prevent all the problems/diseases in the human body that happen due to Air(Gas). 

Next blog we will discuss other 2 mudras.

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